Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blog #10

Do you teach or do you educate?
This video was not only very artistic in its delivery, but brings up an interesting paradigm concerning todays educators. An educator can choose to teach or educate their students. We are given the definition of “teaching,” and it consists of many concrete responses. We GIVE information, we CAUSE someone to learn, we INDUCE by example or punishment, and we encourage someone to ACCEPT as a fact or principle. Then we are shown that an “educator” is a kindler of a flame, an illuminator, a motivator, a mentor, and many other positive examples of what the idea of an educator is when compare to a teacher. While I completely agree with the examples given for the two words, I must somewhat disagree with the perceived point in the video that the two ideologies must exist completely apart form each other. I actually believe that it is our job to do both, educate, and teach. While we must do everything to nurture, motivate and all the good things associated with an educator, I think we must also accept that there is a time and place for a teacher as well. The coexistence of these two ideologies would create a much more balanced and helpful approach to the grooming of our future adults. We cannot only motivate, but we must teach facts as well. Also we cannot only teach facts, but we must nurture and motivate our students as much as we can. It is clear to me that we must both teach and educate to truly succeed at our chosen profession.
As far as what I plan to do in order to educate, that is a rather difficult yet simple answer at the same time. The answer is simple that I will just do whatever I can to get through to my students and be the nurturing, motivating, illuminating, mentor that they need. I will reassess what it takes to accomplish this goal, but the goal itself is very simple and defined. The question is also difficult to answer in that each student is different. What may get through to one student may not work on another. So to say what I will do in a concrete sense is almost impossible as it will depend on the student and the situation. I can guarantee that whatever it takes though, will be done.

Dont Let Them Take the Pencils Home
The point of this blog in my opinion is the growing problem of putting more emphasis on test scores than actual education in this country. Ever since the No Child Left Behind initiative was enacted, there is a growing sense of testing being the only measure of learning. I'm not saying that I don't like educational initiatives such as NCLB, but they do sometimes have side effects that are hurtful to our students. The comment about the children playing hangman as a waste of time is a prime example of not seeing the value in something as simple as this game. When playing Hangman, you must derive an answer from the blanks, use your turns wisely, and you must also know how to spell properly. This is a wonderful game for a child to play; they will learn much more playing hangman than say a video game about shooting aliens. Also, Gertrude is clearly marginalizing the students based on their socio-economic standing, basically giving up on the kids because of where they live and who their parents are. This is a gross form of educational negligence. I applaud Tom for standing up for his students and risking “his” lower test scores for the betterment of his students. I can only hope that I will have the courage to stand up for my own in this manner.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carrie!
    I must say that I really enjoyed reading you post about, "Do we teach or educate?" When you get a second, please go and read my post. It's amazing how close our responses were. You said, "While we must do everything to nurture, motivate and all the good things associated with an educator, I think we must also accept that there is a time and place for a teacher as well. " I could not agreed with you more. There is a time to teach and to educate, but they are like twin sisters. They're in the same family and are almost identical. Teaching is giving an example, and educating is putting feet to your words. Your post was well written, with really no mistakes. Your grammar and depth of explaination was well written and thought out. Well, keep up the great work and don't forget to LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE!
